@BoogerMan: at no point in history nor in any point in the future will ALL governments pass power to a single entity. There is always at least 1 (but likely more) people in or in the ascension of power that this will never happen, yes, a group of governments may decide to give up their power (eg. EU) but someone will always recognize the power of being different (that was the Balkan countries or the Swiss)
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
Sign of the Last Days
by Fisherman inin the sermon on the mount, jesus foretold that earthquakes “in one place after another” would be part of the sign of the last days clímaxing in the great tribulation.. what could jesus possibly have meant?
using a phone app nowadays, there are earthquakes detected in one place after another but is this what jesus meant and did they have so many earthquakes throughout the centuries affter his prophecy or are these modern day detected earthquakes unique to this epoch?
how can we be sure unequivocally that modern day earthquakes are part of the sign fulfilling bible prophecy?.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 -"the dead know nothing at all"
by aqwsed12345 inthe narrator of the book of ecclesiastes had very little knowledge of many things that jesus and his apostles later preached.
the author does not make statements, but only wonders (thinks, observes, often raises questions, and leaves them open).
he looked at the world based on the law of moses and found nothing but vanity, as the earthly reward promised in the law did not always accompany good deeds and earthly punishment for evil deeds.
Anony Mous
@SeaBreeze: you continue quoting an old translation (KJV) that has no bearing on the actual Hebrew text. As I said, Jews do not believe the separation of soul in the way you describe based on the same scripture. KJV mistranslates 3 different Hebrew words as the separable soul. Hence my retort, do you believe the same words used in other scriptures apply to the separable soul as well? Do you believe animals and the wind have separable souls?
As far as your retort on photons, photons (theoretically) have all their mass into energy. If you conclude from this, the soul is a massless energy, you should be able to measure it empirically. Feel free to point me to actual scientific research on photons leaving the body directed towards heaven or hell.
However, the photon has zero invariant or rest mass. This is an invariant of an object which is defined as follows:
The rest mass (m0m0) of a particle is a quantity having the dimensions of mass which is invariant in all reference frames and satisfies m02c2=(Ec)2−∥p∥2m02c2=(cE)2−∥p∥2
For most other particles, it can be thought of as the mass observed from a frame of reference where the particle is at rest. Or, we could think of it as the mass not attributed to the kinetic energy, but the particle itself. If there was a way (there isn't; special relativity prohibits it) to observe a photon at rest, you would find it massless. All the relativistic mass of the photon comes from it's energy.
Moreover, information does have mass as I linked a paper on it. This is also a direct result of relativism and has been known since the 60s. An ‘idea’ has mass. Do the blocks with the number 3 printed on it not have mass? Yes, thus the idea of the number three is a representation/description of something physical. The soul, most religions do not believe in it, it isn’t physical, it’s an idea with no grounding in fact.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 -"the dead know nothing at all"
by aqwsed12345 inthe narrator of the book of ecclesiastes had very little knowledge of many things that jesus and his apostles later preached.
the author does not make statements, but only wonders (thinks, observes, often raises questions, and leaves them open).
he looked at the world based on the law of moses and found nothing but vanity, as the earthly reward promised in the law did not always accompany good deeds and earthly punishment for evil deeds.
Anony Mous
@SeaBreeze: I contradicted you by explaining the wrong translation from original Hebrew. Everywhere in Genesis nefesh is used which is used for any living person or being, including animals which in Christian tradition do not have souls. You have to do a bit better than misquoting a particular scripture which doesn’t even talk about souls and doesn’t even have a common translation. The only mention of death in Gen 25:18 is KJV which is not a proper translation by any means, no other translation mentions the death of Ishmael.
Information does have mass per the work of Claude Shannon and Rolf Landauer by the principles of whose theories you are currently even capable of writing your message on these forums. The idea that information has no mass has been outdated for well over 60 years https://pubs.aip.org/aip/adv/article/9/9/095206/1076232/The-mass-energy-information-equivalence-principle#
Edit: I think you were talking about Gen 35:18, once again you are basing your ideas on the concept INTRODUCED by the KJV that ‘the soul was leaving her body’, more accurate translation simply state “As she took her last breath”. The word used nefesh is also used in Gen 1:20, 9:10 etc which is not applicable to the idea of a uniquely human soul that is separate from the body. I don’t see any translation that supports that idea.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 -"the dead know nothing at all"
by aqwsed12345 inthe narrator of the book of ecclesiastes had very little knowledge of many things that jesus and his apostles later preached.
the author does not make statements, but only wonders (thinks, observes, often raises questions, and leaves them open).
he looked at the world based on the law of moses and found nothing but vanity, as the earthly reward promised in the law did not always accompany good deeds and earthly punishment for evil deeds.
Anony Mous
@Sea Breeze: information (energy or the reduction of entropy) does have mass, that’s the whole idea behind E=MC2
The information on a hard drive or in a brain however is just storage, both the existence or lack of useful/structured information is information in itself (eg. If you have a (partially) blank drive, you can infer knowledge about the use of the drive for example).
Things like logical constructs and language are related to the physical, the soul as you describe is metaphysical and very much a Christian idea, based on Plato’s teachings, most other religions do not share the same ideas. Other religions (eg. Judaism) does not share the modern idea of the Christian soul, the Hebrew Scriptures do not support the translation of the single word “soul”, which is an invention of Medieval Christianity, rather the original text has Neshamah (life itself, the human animating force) Nefesh (living person related to its material needs) and Ruach (a divine animating force) but nowhere do these seem to indicate a separate being, although life force in later scriptures can return to God, it does not seem to imply a personality or connectedness to the individual or body (more a ‘conservation of energy’ type deal).
My granddaughter 5 mos old passed away today...
by Tatiana inshe was beautiful.
her name was aliyah.
she would have been 5 mos tomorrow.
Anony Mous
Very tasteless to resurrect an old thread like this, regardless of your bad science. There is sufficient data to talk about in another topic.
No news on Maui?
by Anony Mous ini haven’t heard a peep from any jw family about maui.
must not’ve had much witlesses there, on jwtalk there is one fella says .
we lost no friends!
Anony Mous
I haven’t heard a peep from any JW family about Maui. Must not’ve had much witlesses there, on JWtalk there is one fella says
We lost no friends! Kingdom halls intact, and other buildings used by the Society. Praise Jah!
100s dead and thousands still missing, but we are okay, so f- you.
On JW News: Circuit overseers and local elders are providing practical and spiritual assistance to those in the affected areas Additional humanitarian aid is being organized for those in need.
No link to donate to other organizations like Red Cross, again, a giant middle finger. Gangs are looting and robbing aid convoys according to various news sources, we’re happy our buildings are still standing.
I remember back in the day, we’d get instant calls and announcements to collect actual aid items like blankets, now it’s not even worthy of a special donation?
Anony Mous
NYS DoC at the place is very fitting, given the problems the organization is having with CSA. The original printing place of the Zion’s Watch Tower in Rochester, NY is now an institute for the blind and the Watchtower sign in Brooklyn was replaced with a red Welcome sign. If I believed in a god…
Ivana Trump grave at Trump's golf course
by SydBarrett inpeople who dislike trump will see this as an eyesore and an insult to his first wife and the mother of his 3 children.people who support trump will describe this as a beautiful natural setting, like a woodland.
Anony Mous
Maybe mom wasn’t so great (there is some evidence to that). I wouldn’t care for most people in my family’s graves, especially since some of them I haven’t talked to in decades (due to JW shenanigans). It seems Ivana admitted herself that she basically distanced herself after they were grown up and there is no evidence that they had a ‘real close’ relationship around the time of her death.
I think this goes to show more that you can’t control what happens after your death, people will eventually forget about you, all our graves will eventually look like that and in many places, at some point we’ll be dug up and moved to make room for other priorities.
It's amazing what AI can do already
by Kosonen inhere are some demonstrations about it:.
Anony Mous
@smiddy3 correct, they do not think, they are merely stochastic classifiers. So they will classify what you say, then randomly pick words that have been classified to fit together. Garbage in, garbage out, it will literally answer to any non-sense with potential non-sense.
And yes, it is usually steered, so whatever opinions/biases of the programmer(s) that put in the ‘guardrails’ will be reflected.
Do You Think Trump Is Done?
by minimus incertain forces appear to be trying to make sure donald trump never runs for president again.
some republicans are clearly abandoning trump and of course the democratic press has been saying trump is done!
is trump’s goose cooked?
Anony Mous
@TD: Smith was rebuked by Judge Cannon for selecting a Grand Jury outside the jurisdiction (some legal experts say it was convened in New Jersey, for a case being brought in Florida) and subsequently having those records sealed (eg. the charges he used to convince the jury) so the judge nor the defense can see the charges that the prosecution brought. His answer to the judge was basically ‘trust me’. It is very unusual to select a jury outside the district, but to then seal the charges is unheard of.
It has been speculated in the MSM (aka leaked by the DOJ) that Pence was collaborating with the DOJ and testifying against Trump on the Georgia case. Many in the MSM were saying “we got him this time”, but Pence finally confirmed during a campaign interview that wasn’t the case and everything was above board. Again, it is possible Smith has convened a secret grand jury in another jurisdiction and sealed it. The judge presiding over the Trump-related cases in Georgia is a far-left pro-abortionist to the 9th month with some seriously weird legal statements, one of his more recent was basically ruling that Roe v Wade could not be challenged because it was the law for 50 years (it wasn’t, it was a flawed opinion, not a law) after Roe v. Wade had already been overturned, but he basically ruled that the State can’t challenge Supreme Court rulings.
MSM = mainstream media. MSN is part of the MSM, but here is a Time magazine article drooling over Jack Smith while simultaneously hedging that he may not get it done: https://time.com/6286746/jack-smith-faces-challenges-in-prosecuting-trump/
Just look at Smith’s history, an acolyte of Obama, he has a career of doing political hitjobs and losing badly.